Estimated number of lives directly saved by COVID-19 vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region from December, 2020, to March, 2023: a retrospective surveillance study
By March, 2023, 54 countries, areas, and territories (hereafter CAT) in the WHO European Region had reported more than 2·2 million COVID-19-related deaths to the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Scientific Papers
Uncovering the Contrasts and Connections in PASC: Viral Load and Cytokine Signatures in Acute COVID-19 versus Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC)
The recent global COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and enduring impact, resulting in substantial loss of life.
Enough already: T cell inflammation and SARS-CoV-2 virus persist in Long Covid
It is estimated that 6% of American adults currently suffer from persistent symptoms that can linger for weeks to years after COVID-19 infection.
Policy & Recommendations
Flash Report: Fourth meeting of the Public Health Expert Group (PHEG)
Representatives of EU Member States agreed on the launch of a call for best and promising practices on prevention, mapping of prevention policies and updating the Healthier Together guidance document by including new focus on lifelong prevention.
9th Influenza Conference 2023
Scientific highlights of the 9th ESWI Influenza Conference
With promising developments in the field of respiratory viral infections, the conference sessions covered hot topics on seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza viruses, as well as other respiratory viruses such as RSV and SARS-CoV-2.
Scientific Papers
Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent long COVID: data from Norway
tudy using data from more than 20 million participants has shown that COVID-19 vaccines consistently prevent long COVID symptoms in adults
Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations
Long COVID is an often debilitating illness that occurs in at least 10% of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections.
Policy & Recommendations
Flash Report: Third meeting of the Public Health Expert Group (PHEG)
Chaired by DG SANTE, EU Member States agreed on prioritising for 2024-2026: health promotion & prevention of non-communicable diseases; healthy longevity/lifelong prevention; vaccine-preventable diseases & vaccination; and long COVID, amongst others.
Serotonin reduction in post-acute sequelae of viral infection
Peripheral serotonin reduction, in turn, impedes the activity of the vagus nerve and impairs hippocampal responses and memory. These findings provide a possible explanation for neurocognitive symptoms associated with viral persistence in Long COVID.
9th Influenza Conference 2023
The Ninth ESWI Influenza Conference: Highlights
ESWI 2023: 10 key take home messages
Benefits of ensitrelvir in Covid-19 and long Covid highlighted in two studies
The benefits of ensitrelvir use in patients with symptoms of long Covid and as a second-line treatment option for those hospitalised with Covid-19.